Gay men videos of massage

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Illicit massage parlors have exploded into a $3 billion-a-year sex industry that relies on pervasive secrecy, close-knit ownership rings and tens of thousands of mostly foreign women ensnared in a form of modern indentured servitude.

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Behind Illicit Massage Parlors Lie a Vast Crime Network and Modern Indentured Servitude When the men asked the manager, Jerry Liu, whether he was discriminating against them because they are gay, Liu emphatically said 'no' and repeated that the couple's massage service was only for opposite-sex partners. 'I can't believe we're actually being discriminated against,' one of the two men, who were both off camera, can be heard saying. In a video posted to Facebook by Michael Garcia and his boyfriend, Arnaldo, the spa's manager can be heard telling them that the service is just for 'a man and a woman.' Two gay men say they were refused a couples massage at a Florida spa Monday.

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© Michael Garcia Image: Michael Garcia and Arnaldo The actor and his beau split earlier this year. Zachary Quinto and his boyfriend split up after nearly six years

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